Hello, Parents!
Middle School is a time of big excitement, big changes, and big questions. Hopefully, this page can help answer some of the questions you may have so you can navigate through these ever-changing waters.
What is the best way to contact my child's teacher(s)?
It is most efficient to email your child's teacher(s). All teacher emails can be found on the Rogich website under "Staff."​
If I have a concern about a class, grade,or an assignment, who do I contact?
Most concerns can be resolved by directly contacting the teacher. If there are still questions or concerns that are not resolved, please call the Counseling office (ext. 4300) to schedule a parent -teacher conference - which will include the grade level counselor.
What is the school policy on schedule changes?
What do I need to do if my child is absent or going to be absent?
Parents need to provide an excuse note or doctor's note within 3 days of an absence to the Attendance office or use the form located on the website - ATTENDANCE TAB.
It is the STUDENT'S responsibility to receive all make-up work and arrange to make up any tests that were missed.
What is the best way I can track my child's progress?
Make sure to have access to Infinite Campus, all teacher Remind apps, any websites they use, and Canvas. You can become a Canvas observer or get your student's login and password and view Canvas exactly as they do.
Carol Monella, extension 4300, can assist you with Infinite Campus log in and password information and set-up.