Bring your agenda to every class and fill in the assignments for each period, including due dates.
Bring your Chromebook fully charged to school each day. Take the Chromebook to each class, and home after school to recharge for the next day.
Sign up for all your teachers' Remind accounts, or any other tool they use to communicate. This will keep you in the know of all the homework, assignments, tests, projects, due dates, changes in schedule, etc.
Make sure you know YOUR student login and password for Infinite Campus so you can keep track of your own grades and progress. This is not just for your parents. If you need this information, please see Mrs. Monella, in the front office.
If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to speak with each and every teacher to receive any missed work or schedule a time to make up a test or quiz. Most teachers have a procedure or a place where you can find missed work, but if you are not sure, you must ask on the day you return from being absent.
Have a positive attitude, ask for help when you need it, and accept help when it is offered.
See a Counselor if you aren't sure what to do or what you need. We are here to help!